Understanding the desired gains and existing pains of the people you aim to serve with your products and services.
Using this method to generate great ideas fast to tackle big, complicated or even largely unknown problems in web development.
From research methods, wireframes, to high-fidelity prototypes. My mission is to design usable and desirable solutions.
Empathize to help define the problem
Learn from prototypes to generate new ideas
Tests creates new ideas for the project
Tests reveal insights that define problems
Learn about the users through testing
I’m a User Experience Designer based in Haarlem, The Netherlands. I'm fascinated by all-things psychology and design, and love the idea of creating services or products that can change someone's life for the better.
I’m obsessed with mountains and volcanoes. In my free time you can find me in boulder gyms and experimenting in the kitchen.
Always down to collaborate when I have the time. Let's get in touch.